This equipment
is used to measure the volume of air that the lungs can hold and the air flow
velocity of inhalation and exhalation during respiration. It is composed of a
flow sensor where one was located in the flexible tube and another in the lower
part of the tube and an ultrasonic sensor located in the upper lid of the
Programming code
spirometer is composed by one intensive spirometer, an ultrasonic sensor and
two flow sensors. The first step is measuring the distance of the ball into the
spirometer, if we can measure the distance, we can calculate the inspired and
expired volume.
Figure 1,spirometer
To measure
the distance with ultrasonic sensor, we used the following code:
Figure 2,ultrasonic sensor programming code
Arduino’s pin #7 is the trigger of the sensor and the 6th Arduino’s
pin is the Echo, the ultrasonic sensor send a signal and when this signal
detects an object, it comes back to the sensor in an specific time value, in
the variable “duracion” is saved the time to detect the object and come back to
the sensor and “distancia” is the distance in cm.
centimeter has 40 ml of air volume, for this reason, we made a linear
regression with the distance VS volume:
Figure 3, linear regression distance vs volume
With the
linear regression we can predict the volume with the distance’s value. To know
the flow sensor sends an analog voltage, when the spiral is quiet, the voltage
is 4.8 volts and when the spiral velocity is increasing, the voltage decreases
until 2.4volts during a time value.
Figure 4,linear regression Voltage vs Flow
To count
the time into the Arduino, was implemented the following code:
Figure 5, programming code to get the time
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